Chocolate, Lent & Mindfulness

Ah, here we are feeling like Spring again. I do enjoy all the glory and beauty of every season, but Spring really has to be my favourite. There is an air of expectation in the lengthening of the days, and after all the severe weather conditions most areas in the...

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Strengthen Your Intuition

I write this as I set off on another weekend of adventure. I'm working in Belfast. I shall no doubt be meeting up with lots of lovely friends, old and new, and as I have been traveling to Belfast for several years it is becoming very familiar to me now. So why do I...

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An Angelic Golden Thread

Fifteen years ago when I first started running Angel Workshops of my own I was fascinated by what I saw as a golden thread of truth weaving between all the main religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam & Buddhism - of pure unconditional love - and the appearance...

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Turn To Archangel Michael

During the winter months we can sometimes feel more vulnerable than in the lighter, brighter days of spring and summer as the dark, dreary weather can leave us feeling heavier of spirit. If you feel the need to lighten your spirit or shed any unwanted baggage, there...

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The Power Of Reconciliation

I was pleased to hear that William Roache, one of Britain's most talented and enduring actors, was cleared of the charges against him this week. My publisher invited him to write a forward for my book, Gifts From Angels, back in 2011. In my correspondence with him, it...

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The Golden Rules Of The Great Spiritual Traditions

The month of February might be the shortest month but it carries a great big message. February is all about love! It's that time for roses, pink greetings cards and bright red love-hearts to fill our shops, but why not let the feeling flow through our hearts and lives...

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Kindness in Words, Thoughts and Giving

Here we are almost at the end of January. Has it been a strange old month for me, a month of paperwork and planning. With the Capricorn new moon in the new year, we were all encouraged to set goals. Now, I'm reliably informed that in its current phase this unusually...

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Helping You On Your Your Spiritual Journey

If you are reading this blog I bet your spirituality is recognisably an integral aspect of your life. Your friends know you to have a 'deeper' side. You are a truth seeker, and your connection to the Universe, God, angels, and your soul's purpose are important to...

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Personal Guidance for 2014

2014 seems to have kicked off with a sudden rush of activity and Christmas already feels like a distant memory (albeit a pleasant one!) If you are dashing about trying to get back into a routine you might like to reconnect with the angels on a daily basis. Here's a...

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New Year, New Moon

As this powerful New Year of 2014 is heralded in by a glorious New Moon (in Capricorn) we are truly blessed by a cosmic announcement of great opportunity for new beginnings and growth. How will you embrace this I wonder? I must admit that I have been reflecting on all...

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Welcome to my blog and weekly newsletter. I’ve been working in the Light for more than 20 years, writing and teaching about angels, faith and spiritual development, and running workshops and retreats around the world.  You’ll find more information at my website, AngelLight, or join the mailing list below.
