Could it be Karma?

What did I do? Well if you don’t follow me on facebook and weren’t there on the Angels Abroad retreat to Crete you might not know about my broken ankle. I’d love to be able to tell an exciting story of a Greek extravaganza where I was dancing on...
What Is Sacred To You?

What Is Sacred To You?

Can you remember the old western movies where the ‘cowboys’ slowly trampled their wagon trains across the ‘indian’ burial sites with trepidation and spooky dramatic music? I used to shudder in my little bones knowing instinctively that they...

Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Hosting a pilgrimage tour of the Holy Land has long been on my spiritual wish list. Well I’m delighted to say that it is now definitely happening. We are planning a carefully designed itinerary based on my own experiences during my visit there in 2014 combined...

Greetings From The Holy Land

Greetings from Tiberius, This week’s post opens like a message from the Roman Empire! I’m writing to you from my lap as we leave the town of Tiberius on the banks of the lake called the Sea of Galilee. Those of you who have been to the Holy Land will be...

‘Join me’ on my birthday in Carcassonne

This coming weekend I’m being ‘whisked off’ to Carcassonne as a special birthday treat. I am really looking forward to it. (My lovely husband booked it for us because I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book, a historical novel, called The Labyrinth...