New Moon in Virgo

I can't possibly send out my weekly newsletter without making an announcement about the birth of my new baby granddaughter. She was born on the morning of 5th September and weighed in at a healthy 3.15kgs (that's 6lbs 15oz for the less metric amongst us) and all the...

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Connect with your Inner Angel

 There is an enormous interest in all things angelic. We are being called to work with the angels in great numbers, to   bring healing, peace and love to our families and communities and our home, the Earth. Millions of gifted people are healers and Light Workers on a...

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Clearing Shadows

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful Leo full moon last weekend, bringing us all the opportunity to focus on the power of love. Of course, full moons also bring along the shadows too. The brighter the light - the deeper the shadows appear to be. Working with our shadow...

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How Do You Connect With Angels?

For many, angels are part of everyday life. However, I am often asked why some people see angels (clairvoyance), where others feel them (clairsentience) or hear them (clairaudience) while others struggle to connect at all. It’s easy to allow yourself to feel inferior...

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Be A Free Spirit

Sunshine certainly lifts the spirits! As I was walking in the warm summer air this morning I was reflecting on the many ways in which we refer to our human spirit. How many of us refer to ourselves as a 'Free Spirit' I wondered? And, what exactly does that mean?...

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A Channel For Peace

Each week I write a newsletter which we send out (usually) on Fridays. So today, as I see all the upheaval and devastation in one of our most sacred areas of the world, the so called 'Holy Land', I thought it might be a good idea to remind us all that Friday is...

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Connect With Your Inner Angel

There is an enormous interest in all things angelic. We are being called to work with the angels in great numbers, to bring healing, peace and love to our families and communities and our home, the Earth. Millions of gifted people are healers and Light Workers on a...

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Releasing The Ties That Bind

Here I am, back from a great Angels Abroad week in Crete having enjoyed the company of a super group of lovely people, friendly Cretan hospitality and, of course, the glorious sunshine. Coming on holiday and 'baring your soul' with strangers can seem very daunting and...

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Raising Your Vibration

What an amazing weekend! I've had several emails and Facebook messages about how much people enjoyed last weekend. We had a lovely Norwich Spiritual Companions Day with William Bloom and myself at Mangreen Hall, hosted by Naomi and William Duffield. And then the room...

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Master of your Destiny

I write this under the light of a wonderful full moon, it's a Sagittarius moon in Gemini and brings masses of creative energy but as it's aligned with Mercury in retrograde we may find ourselves are rather scattered and we really do need to reflect and balance our...

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Welcome to my blog and weekly newsletter. I’ve been working in the Light for more than 20 years, writing and teaching about angels, faith and spiritual development, and running workshops and retreats around the world.  You’ll find more information at my website, AngelLight, or join the mailing list below.
