In the sixth step of the Seven Steps Into Angel Light, we work with the energy of Archangel Zadkiel. Click to watch my short introduction.

archangel_chamuel_170Throughout the Seven Steps, we have been opening our hearts and minds to the Archangels and the particular qualities of their “flames of light”. We have been bringing these spiritual qualities together and blending them with our own energy. Now is the time, if you are willing to use them –– to begin actively and consciously joining in. By adding your unique gifts with integrity and building up your confidence through spiritual practice, you can share this light throughout the world in your daily life. Zadkiel has the role of Keeper of the Violet Flame, the energy of which we can call upon to help us fully dissolve painful memories and support us in changing negative thoughts, behaviour patterns and fears into positive life-force energy. He will enfold you in the transformational energy of the Violet Flame and transmute all your thoughts and actions into joy.