14-Presence_150We haven’t looked at a specific Archangel in depth for a while, so today, as I’ve just recorded a webinar for my course students, I thought this week I would write something about the transformational energy of Archangel Zadkiel.

At my workshops, and especially where we have more time on retreats, I love to include a guided meditation where we visualise the colours associated with the Magnificent Seven to see which Archangel’s energetic magnetism we resonate with. I tend to believe that there are no coincidences and that everything in life is linked to universal and cosmic Divine energies so much greater than our own. In our astrology, our numerology and even the letters in our chosen name, there are signs relating to our soul purpose, and clues to which of the energetic vibrations of the Chohan (Ascended Master) and Archangels guiding us on our journey. So when we meditate on the colours related to the Archangels, this also connects with our soul at a deep level.

As we know, all light is a reflection of the seven colours of the spectrum, which we see quite clearly when the sunshines through a droplet of water, or a crystal, and of course there are thousands of different shades. (Just like the rainbow we can only actually see seven colours though if we concentrate we can find softer blended shading where the colours meld into one another.) Each of the main seven carries its own vibrational resonance, colour and quality. As we know the Seven Archangels are associated with each of these colour vibrations and in angelic terms they are known as ‘flames’. Theosophists and New Agers have related these light vibrations into what is called the “Seven Rays.” Each of the Archangels is a bearer of one of the flames and permeates the energy of its qualities throughout humanity by using those of us who have an open heart and are willing to serve at a high spiritual level

During our residential week in Crete we call upon the Archangels and ask to be taken, as we sleep, to the appropriate Ashram of the particular Ray each of us resonates with. This is the centre of heightened vibrational energy associated with the qualities of the Archangel, the hosts of angels working at that level, the Elohim (highest angelic Beings of Light often called Seraphim) and the affirmation_comfortAscended Master (Chohan) of the Ray. You would be amazed at the results after a few nights of asking. This works especially well when calling on the transmutational energy of Zadkiel, or indeed Raphael for healing.

Zadkiel works with the Chohan Saint Germaine of the seventh ray and brings all the positive power of the Violet Flame.  This powerful Light source helps us with the transmutation of energy (from negative to positive) and likewise with soul transformation. His is the role of ‘Keeper of the Violet Flame’ and it is this high vibration we can call upon to dissolve painful memories and change negative thoughts and fears into positive life-force energy. If we make the choice to acknowledge that most of us have personalities tinged with some form of negativity towards some other people, such as thoughts or actions related to greed, jealousy or judgementalism, we can also make the choice to let these feelings be transmuted. This in turn helps us eleviate that karmic experience of feeling the same negative actions being made towards ourselves. (What goes around comes around!)

Believe it or not the job or career you have chosen will reflect the calling of your soul, and the Ray or flame associated with your soul vibration. Even if you feel you are in a job you dislike at the moment there will most certainly be lessons or challenges you have drawn to you and a real reason for being where you are. (Even if you can’t work out what they are right now). So for example if you are resonating with the violet colour and the attributes of the seventh ray energy of Zadkiel, whether or not you are working in your ideal profession, you will have an interest in issues of freedom, culture, refinement and diplomacy. Your current situation may be teaching you tolerance, forgiveness and serving others within some kind of discipline. Perhaps you are an ‘Agent of Change’. For that is exactly the energy of this particular powerful angelic being.

Once you feel ready to raise your vibration to the bright true spiritual being you were born to be, you will feel definitely be drawn towards the Zadkiel vibration. He will enfold you in the transformational energy of the Violet Flame and transmute all negative thoughts and actions into joy. The way we perceive things begins to change (slowly at first) and although we might still have our faults we are able to notice them and change. There is a great freedom in letting go of judgement and fear. Those of us who judge others harshly, are usually incredibly hard on ourselves and truthfully that’s not really loving! We are all a work in progress. It does take dedication, self-discipline and focus. But when we call in and work with Zadkiel we learn to let others be who they are, and our relaxed and positive attitude is reflected in how we feel towards ourselves, not just other people, leaving us happier, more loving in nature, and ‘lighter’ in the process.