I am overwhelmed by the scale of response to the short survey I began this week. Such an outpouring of candour and love is humbling, especially to learn the many ways in which my work has touched people’s lives. Of course, my teaching is powered by the love and guidance that the angels have allowed me to pass on. I am merely a receptacle and conduit for the infinite power they possess.

The survey has been completely anonymous so I feel comfortable sharing some of the comments with you. These expressions have touched me deeply and I cannot begin to thank you enough for participating in this exercise. It will have a profound effect on the future of my work.

To the question: “What are you seeking on your spiritual quest?”

“My life is at a standstill and very lonely. I function because I hope the angels and source/universe will help me. I am not clinically depressed – I just feel empty.”

“I want to be of service and continue to provide as much support and guidance to my clients as I can…to enable them to find the peace and comfort that my spiritual journey has given to me.”

“I’d like to know that no matter what faith we follow that we are not alone.”

“I love the fact that angels are there in any time of need. It is a comforting feeling and makes me feel protected, loved and secure.”

“I feel a much deeper connection with myself and the Divine since I have started working with Angels. I guess what I want is knowledge though I know it already exists within me. I just really, really need to learn to trust myself more.”

“How to be all that I am supposed to be… to be able to help and assist those less fortunate than myself in an empathic, loving way and to accept people for who they are, even though sometimes I find forgiving and forgetting how they have hurt me difficult.”

“How to deal with negative situations and negative people.”

“I would like to be able to hear the guidance from my angels in a daily, practical way.”

“In my personal spiritual growth I want to learn more about healing and living with my demons, my shadow side, to build my self-esteem to a balanced, comfortable level and to learn how I can apply my learnings to help others.”

“I am seeking to be my true self, to be the best ‘me’ I can be. I am seeking love that encompasses my mind, body and soul, and is deeply spiritual. Healing is important for me on all these levels too. I want to be able to express my gratitude for the love of my family and the blessings in my life, and to continue to share my love with those I love who have passed away.”

“I am seeking peace in my head & heart. I love the feeling of being connected to each other & the spiritual realms whether that be Angels, spirit guides or God.”

These are just a few of the hundreds of responses I’ve received. There are many that resonate with me and that I know will resonate with my readers and followers. And it gives me encouragement to continue to work with the angelic realms, and with the Divine, to offer guidance to others. I wish I could work with every single one of you personally and help you answer your burning questions. I only hope that my writing, books, courses and workshops will assist as many people as possible on their unique, beautiful, spiritual journeys.

It seems apt that this week’s Angel Affirmation has been with the Angel of Humility: “I gladly play my small but valuable role in the universal pattern of life.”

I thank you for your attention, and your love. And if you haven’t yet taken part and still wish to do so, the survey page will be open for a few more days here: http://angellight.co.uk/survey/