Happy New Year!

AngelInsight_New_Beginnings2At this time of year, there is much discussion about ‘New Year Resolutions.’ You may be considering changing a bad habit, or aiming for a new personal goal. Perhaps you wish to make some simple lifestyle changes to improve your health and wellbeing. Whatever your resolutions for 2015, I wish you all the success you deserve in acheiving them. But I also suggest that you set some spiritual intentions at the same time. Perhaps consider establishing a regular spiritual practice of meditation or affirmations each week, or strive to learn more about aspects of your faith and beliefs. One lovely way to start the year would be to join a local group. Meditating and praying together helps to keep us focussed and grounded, and offers the opportunity to share our experiences and feelings. No local group? Start your own!

It has became clear to me that as long as my deepest intentions are to align my spiritual work and personal life to the highest good, I can release myself from all the ‘ought to, need to and should dos’ and simply allow myself to be.

I call upon God’s grace, and all the angels, to help ALL OF US achieve our goals in 2015, whether they be spiritual, physical or emotional. I ask Archangel Michael for his power of discernment and protection, Gabriel for intuitive guidance, Jophiel for insight and enlightened wisdom, Raphael for the blessing of healing and knowledge, Zadkiel for personal transformation and enjoyment, Archangel Uriel for the energy and strength to continue serving as channels for Peace and Light, and Chamuel for the gift of abundant Love to share.

And so, on the basis of feeling a lot ‘lighter’, by simply allowing, may I now pass on my heartfelt wishes to you for an abundance of love, good health, and laughter as well as all the projects you might be planning for overthe coming year. May the angels continue to guide you, may your hopes and wishes be achieved – for the highest good of all – and may your friendships be many and your sorrows be few.

Are you called to start the New Year by developing your own spiritual growth and connection to the angels? Why not consider joining me on one of the Angel Discovery Days around the UK this year? As you may know, I write regularly for Spirit & Destiny, Britain’s best-loved spiritual lifestyle magazine. We have teamed up to offer these introductory workshops at half price – just 45 pounds per person.

Events are booked for Cardiff at the end of January, followed by Birmingham, London, Manchester and Glasgow. All the details are on the website www.AngelLight.co.uk/discovery

The workshop is suitable for anyone who wishes to explore or develop their spiritual connections. Whether you are new to working with angels or have an established spiritual practice, I’d love to help you grow further. Together we will share practical tools and spiritual practices that will ground us, connect with universal energies, and attune with the angels on our personal journey. Come along and nurture your Body, Heart & Soul at these wonderful spiritual workshops, full of self-discovery, inspiring exercises and guided meditations in a beautiful safe and sacred space.

The workshop includes refreshments and some very special gifts for everyone who attends. If you feel called to explore your spiritual impulse, book a place now: www.AngelLight.co.uk/discovery

With all the Love and Abundant Blessings of the Angels for 2015.