Carcassone Bastille at nightLast week, as  some of you know, I set off for my weekend in Carcassonne. I promised to report back, and so here I am! I had a super birthday and thoroughly enjoyed wandering the streets and poking around the many little shops, bars and cafes that line the streets of the city and citadel. I’m not going to attempt to re-write all the amazing descriptions which have already been penned to describe this incredible medieval ‘Bastille’, except to say that as we entered the drawbridge and climbed the cobbled streets it was easy to allow the imagination take me back in time. It wasn’t difficult. We were surrounded by voices in a foreign tongue, and the rich smells of cooking drifted from the many restaurants wafting in the air. If I closed my eyes I could almost ‘hear’ the cartwheels on the cobbles… and my heart jumped when the guide in the information bureaux welcomed us through the gateway. Dressed in a monks habit he really looked as if he had stepped forward in time from the thirteenth century.

IMG_2046Taking the quieter pathway around the outer ramparts I was able to walk quietly and take in the energies I had gone to experience. Some parts are original, others have been replaced over time, but the energy -although healed by many groups before me down the ages – still holds some of the memory of the onslaught against the Cathars.

The rebuilding works over hundreds of years has been remarkable. Carcassonne citadel surely must be unique, and well worth the visit if you have never been. Once around the entire battlements I was glad to step into the bustle of the ‘commercial’ area and enjoy the shops… some of the towers were almost unbearable for an empath, like me, who can sometimes feel too much, and I felt icy cold on the inside – as well as from the cold wind blowing straight from the Pyrenees across the valley.

IMG_2062You may remember that I invited you all – if you felt inclined – to take part in some healing and energy work with me on the 29th March as I walked the ramparts of this ancient citadel. Many of you sent your blessings and promised to think of me at midday (or thereabouts) adding your prayers and loving Light, and I know you were there in spirit and your loving enthusiasm shone through all the very many texts and emails I received. Thank you. (Humble apologies if I missed anyone out in all my replies).

I can’t over emphasise the importance of group energy. With every creative group intention, shared prayer, new team venture, an angel is born from the higher vibrational energy that has been lovingly created. We often refer to this as ‘team spirit’… and this is exactly what it means. In the same way, I now understand that this can also be true of lower vibrational activities of the kind we have called ‘evil’. When a group of like minded souls agree to send higher vibrational energy in the form of loving thoughts and blessings, meditative prayer and healing to a place where darker energy dwells because of dreadful, diabolical cruelty and injustice… then miracles do happen. The Light can and does return to the place, the earth can be healed and the memory fades, and all the people who are sensitive to it can feel the difference. So again, a huge ‘Thank you’ from my heart for enabling and empowering me to do my work with the angels.

If you would like to come along and connect more deeply with the angelic forces for healing, abundance, joy, wisdom and transformation… I am in Letchworth Garden City (Herts) this coming Sunday 6th April for a whole day workshop, and it’s never too late to book your place. I’m also giving two free talks the following weekend in York at the Festival of Health and Healing (York Race Course, 12th/13th April). Be great to see you there.