IMG_2091I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such friendly people as here in Costa Rica. As I walked along the street here in the valley of Orosi drivers waved as they passed, shop keepers say “Ola!” and everyone shakes my hand and is pleased to meet me with a cheery “Mucha Gusto” (my pleasure). Even all the taxi drivers and waiters introduce themselves by name. Needless to say I’m learning ‘Spanglish’ and communicating very well with a mix of English and Spanish words, sign language and a great deal of humour. I’m learning a good deal more than communication. This heart-centred genuine hospitality is a way of life here. This is the Pura Vida the good life.

It was here in Costa Rica where Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, the founder of the Biogenic Society and author of The Gospel of the Essenes, whom many of you will have heard me speak at workshops, had a large centre. I’m learning how he instigated the first road out of the valley to San Jose, and was highly respected by many. A medical doctor who spoke 9 languages, an archeologist and naturapath he was certainly a large character. He brought many Essene teachings to Costa Rica which here in a land of rich agriculture and explicit spirituality are easy for people to accept and relate to. The Angels of Earthly Mother and all her generosity are evident in abundance here. Bordeaux died here in 1979. In the main his spiritual teachings have faded, leaving only the legacy of his influence on the society here in terms of roads and housing (great though that is). There was a genuine upsurge of energy when Jackie and I were introduced as members of the Essene Network, and particularly when we announced our change of name to the New Essenes. Those who had known him came forward and hugged us, and there is real enthusiasm for more workshops and an Essene Retreat . Watch this space!

We are guests of a wonderful woman in Orosi Valley, called Elinore Detiger who has dedicated her life to making a difference, on a grand scale. She brings people here to her centre from all over the world and creates links for spreading the good work, sponsoring and providing support wherever possible. Here with me and Jackie Stevenson from the Essene Network is a wonderful Guatamalan woman who interprets the Mayan Calendar and teaches Mayan wisdom. Spiritual teachers of Tibetan Buddhism from Australia and Colorado, as well as the ‘Mother’ of the White Eagle Lodge in Texas are sharing our time here. I’m in amazing company! On Sunday we all shared our teachings with a group of 86 and I have to tell you the love in the room was beyond words!

Yesterday we were taken across country to a town called Escazu under the ‘Mountain of Witches’, to the University of Peace where international students come from all over the world to study ethics, spirituality, education and care of the environment. Its here where they have developed The Earth Charter. a wonderful piece of work setting out values and principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society.(

Interspersed with the intellectual we’ve experienced walking in the crater of a volcano, and dipped in a hot thermal pool. This truly is an adventure of mind body and soul – absolute Pura Vida!