2014 seems to have kicked off with a sudden rush of activity and Christmas already feels like a distant memory (albeit a pleasant one!) If you are dashing about trying to get back into a routine you might like to reconnect with the angels on a daily basis. Here’s a prayer I wrote when I was working in a busy nursing home and is featured in many of my books, as well as in the first module of my home study course:

Angel Prayer

In the name of “I am that I am” we detach and let go of all energy in truth that is not ours.
We call back to ourselves all energy in truth that is ours and we ask that as it comes back to us it may be dissolved in the Love and the Light.
We call to the seven archangels and their Legions of Light,
We call to beloved archangel Zadkiel and the angels of Joy.
To Archangel Gabriel and the angels of Wisdom,
To Archangel Michael and the angels of Protection,
to archangel Jophiel and the angels of Illumination,
to Archangel Raphael and the angels of Healing,
To archangel Uriel and the angels of Peace
and we call to archangel Chamuel and the angels of Love.
With gratitude in our hearts we ask you to enter our earthly affairs and bring to us your wonderful heavenly qualities. Give us please the freedom from fear and self-doubt, that we may find in our minds your wisdom and illumination, understanding, inspiration, creativity, knowledge and clearness of sight.
Help us to fully appreciate and enjoy the qualities of giving and receiving unconditional Love, to feel compassion, mercy, and forgiveness.
Show us how to dissolve the feelings of selfishness, self-condemnation and low self-esteem.
Give us the guidance we need to create inner peace and tranquillity in our hearts and minds, with a truly spiritual balance in our humanness.
We ask that with the Love and guidance of God, the Source of all life, and the help of the angels, we will grow to reach the understanding of true Christ consciousness.
As we ask, with honest intent, so it may be so.

Christine Astell

I am working through my calendar, booking dates for talks, workshops and retreats, including a significant personal journey that I will be making in the Spring for the first time (more details of that later in the year). Details of events will begin to appear in these newsletters and on the website over the coming weeks, so look out for them (the Angels Abroad retreat is already listed for anyone who fancies a beach-side holiday combined with daily learning and spiritual practice – just visit the link on the right of this email)

I thoroughly enjoyed the online seminar this week, which was created to help and support students on the home study programme. Thank you if you were able to join me. This programme was created back in 2008 as a way of enabling seekers anywhere in the world to benefit from formal, structured spiritual training. It’s been enormously successful in helping people to discover and develop their own spiritual ‘impulse’ as well as gaining greater understanding of spirituality in others. I have received some wonderful feedback through email and the assessments that come with the course.

However, I realised that some students need further help with their spiritual growth. Home study can be wonderfully flexible for those who prefer not to go to workshops or study groups, but it requires a certain degree of discipline to work through each module. We decided to conduct this week’s seminar to provide encouragement and support for students old and new and I thank everyone who took part. If you missed it and would like to listen to the recording, we’ve added it to the course website so do click through and listen if you can.


One addition that I have decided to include with this course is the option to study the course with personal guidance from me. This would mean that each month you would receive your course materials by post, and then we will schedule a 1 hour session by telephone (or skype if that’s easier for you) in which I would work with you to get the most from that module and answer any questions you have. Each month you’ll have a session with me for the full seven month period of the programme. It would be a gentle but effective way of ensuring that you stay on track with your studies, and overcome any obstacles along the way.

My time is naturally quite limited these days, so I can only take TEN students on this option and it would be for a period of seven months. It is currently open to new students registering this month or at a reduced price for existing students who wish to re-start their course, so if you are interested either visit the website or give us a call on 01223 969858 (dial +1 if outside the UK) to find out more. I will be taking students on a first-come basis with a strict limit.

I’m sure, like me, you are settling back into the ‘routine’ of daily tasks, work commitments and family or leisure time. It is a perfect time to renew your daily rituals, and considering changes you can make to bring greater harmony, abundance and joy into your life. If you would like to enhance, or begin, a regular spiritual practice, why not arrange to meet with like-minded souls to share thoughts and energy. It may be that you can introduce new activities to bring you closer to your partner or family. Perhaps it’s time to stop procrastinating and start that new business venture you’ve been thinking about! .

EHScoverAre you called to start the New Year by developing your own spiritual growth and connection to the angels? If so, take a look at the Educating Heart and Soul course by clicking here… a home study programme that will allow you to learn and grow spiritually, deepen your connections with the angelic realms and come to understand the common threads that bind all of humanity. The course is fully certificated and leads towards the Diploma in Spiritual Workshop Facilitation or Spiritual Companions programme.

Whatever new challenges you decide to take on this year, call upon your angels to provide guidance, wisdom and love for the year ahead.