This week I just have to share with you the awesome experience I had on Wednesday evening at the Poppy Display surrounding the Tower of London. In fact, when I look at the pics on my iPhone I still get goose-bumps.

poppies-2I felt such a wave of sensations as I leaned over the fence to soak in the atmosphere, the colour and the sheer vastness of 900,000 poppies, their brilliant blood red vibration and the appearance of flowing from the Tower itself was very moving, disconcerting and hopeful all at the same time.

It’s important that I reveal I have always had a deep sense of foreboding and frequently tuned in to a ‘fear’ energy in and around the Tower of London, even though I am drawn to its mediaeval magnificence. I have felt this since my very first visit there at eleven years of age, and although I had no resources to explain my sensations then, I have been reminded of them for the thirty some years while living in the east-end of London as an adult and driving past several times a week for many years.

It’s not often I speak of past life experiences, especially when writing about angels, but like many others I’m just as fascinated by certain memories and have had lots of past life regressions. One of these was of being locked in the Tower itself, and being very young. I also have a physical reaction to many of the graphically directed tv series based on the cruel medieval age. I prefer in the main to hold these past life memory experiences ‘lightly’ and am not convinced by any means that I may have been (as my mother has often suggested) one of the two boy princes locked in the Tower! It always amuses me that the ego wants us to remember and associate with fame.

I am becoming more familiar and comfortable with the exploratory idea that we all experience everything – in our own time – no matter how many lifetimes that takes. I also feel happy with the notion that ‘All is ONE’. For me the connection to past life experiences re-enforces our soul growth, seeing each experience as another petal on the flower and adding to our understanding and completion of a huge and loving Divine plan. This is hard to grasp when we are grieving the loss of a loved one. Its even harder when we stand in front of 900,000 poppies representing lost lives in the name of fighting for one’s country. I’m battling with mixed feelings. I’m proud to wear a poppy, and to give to the many collection boxes so that charities can support those wounded , and the families affected. But my hope is that when we stand by a symbol of what clearly represents bloodshed we lift our hearts to the hope of peace.

What does the significance of wearing a poppy mean to you? Pride? Hope for the future? Giving to Charity?
Lets remember that Charity actually translates to Love.

I am sure lots of you will remember Paul’s letter to the Corinthians in which he wrote: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and charity. But the greatest of these is charity.” Let’s never forget those who gave their life for us, but lets put all our energy in spreading love, in as many ways as we can, so that in our own small way we spread some light as well as perhaps a belief in faith, hope … and charity.

Doing my bit to spread a little light I shall be offering a full day workshop this Sunday in London at the College of Psychic Studies. Plus my final workshops of the year are in Antrim and Omagh, Northern Ireland, the following week. More details at the website: