chrissieathome-30I thought forty nine was a pretty big birthday – as a combination of 7×7 in numerological terms it is certainly a very valuable one. But here I am over a decade later and how do I feel about being sixty? Well – sixty is the new forty I hear them say. Actually I’m really happy with it. I enjoy all the cards and flowers that keep arriving but mostly I like gathering lovely people for parties. I’m so happy when I am with friends and people I feel comfortable with, aren’t you? One of life’s greatest pleasures has to be spending ‘down’ time with happy, loving people – including my grandchildren, whom I hope will become my friends too as they get older. Friends, they say, are the family we choose for ourselves.

Do you find that the more sensitive you become, the greater effort towards personal development, the more choosy you are about the people you invite close into your life? One affirmation I use frequently is: “I only attract loving friendly people into my life”. I have been using this affirmation for over twenty years. It surely works!

Last weekend, as well as being such an amazing cosmic dance of sun, moon and equinox energies it was also the Essene Network AGM during the day- and an early birthday party for me the same evening. (Only an Aries would be mad enough to arrange too big events in one day!)
So much going on all at one weekend. Whether or not it is the impact of so much love, or the new cosmic energies, my own energy has been riding high. Just as the Essenes of two thousand years ago had life changing decisions to make, we too had to make some difficult choices and I have let go now of some of the official roles I held, making time for other things, including my own further spiritual development.

There are said to be three major stages in a woman’s life: the maiden, the mother and the wise-woman (crone). As I rapidly approach the latter I do need to be still more often and take stock. I need to reflect, embody the Grace and blessings, and en-joy each moment. The reason why I enjoyed last weekend so much was that I allowed myself to. I enjoyed walking through the fields and noticing the change of energy at the Solar Eclipse – then I enjoyed a dear friend driving me to the AGM (instead of driving a car full of people there myself) – then I accepted (with Grace) the offer of help from caring friends and family to sort out and create food for the party in the evening. I let go of the need to do it all myself. I am after all becoming wiser.

I have had a very rewarding and adventurous life so far. The maiden ‘voyage’ was brave and daring and full of challenges, the mother phase has lasted (and will probably continue) for a long while, but the wise-woman is just arriving. March brings my favourite time of year. As they say “Time marches on” and in my case it looks like I will potentially enjoy the next phase even more than all the others! Best foot forward then!