AngelInsight-horiz-_0019_AngelInsight_Harmony.jpgIf you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you may have noticed that I often call upon individual Archangels on specific days of the week.  One of the many attributes that mystics have asscoiated with the angels is that each of the seven Great Archangels has their own day of the week:

  • Sunday is a good day for taking time to focus on personal power, protection and Divine connection through meditation and prayer with Michael.
  • Monday is the day for sharpening perception and gaining wisdom from Jophiel.
  • Work with Chamuel on Tuesday to bring more tolerance and love into your daily life.
  • Gabriel on Wednesday is about direction, organisation, artistic development and clear communication.
  • Work with the powerful energies of healing, creating sacred spaces and deepening your understanding of what’s ‘true’ with Raphael on Thursday
  • Uriel encourages a sense of peace and service to others on Friday.
  • Saturday is a good time to invoke the angels for transformation, joy and freedom with Zadkiel.

Now, of course, angelic energies permeate the universe and surround us constantly. There’s nothing wrong with calling upon them at any time. But by keeping each day special as part of your regular spiritual practice, you’ll focus your attention on those seven important steps in on your continual spiritual growth and development.