It really doesn’t matter how you believe in angels. Whether you see, feel, hear them or simply just know they are there you can call upon them to help you through some of the tough times, as well as work with them in service to others. Working with the energy of angels can be truly life changing!

Let’s look at how we can work with the power of the angelic realms to help even in really tough life situations. No matter how mundane, the angels are always with us, and there is a way of working spiritually that will help us see our way through. Do not worry about remembering the names of particular angels, and in fact the name is not always essential. Your intention, and open heart will always connect you to the angels. Remember however, we are inviting angels closer to us to help with taking responsibility for our own lives in an effort to change by calling on them for their divine assistance. We cannot ‘summon’ angels to do the job for us!

Addictive behaviour: Some of the hardest situations are those related to addiction of one type or another. We are not only addicted to food and become overweight or to certain foods like chocolate or coffee, alcohol, drugs (including miss-use of pain relief), or nicotine. Many of us are addicted to work ;even when our hours are finished we take our work home, or cannot leave a project until the early hours. Some people cannot resist being in constant contact with others permanently glued to mobiles checking for messages when eating or out with friends. In some cases it’s not just physical, but we become psychologically addicted to being needed, or we may develop a sense of becoming indispensable. In all cases help is at hand.

14-Presence_150The angel to help with addictions is Zadkiel, the bearer of an energy called the ‘Violet Flame’, and by learning to tune in with 100% desire to let go of your addiction Zadkiel will help you every time. The key is wanting to give up your addiction. (Of course in some cases you may also need medical help if the addiction is drugs or medication, or is linked to serious illness.)

Light a violet coloured candle, perhaps placing an amethyst crystal close by, dedicating the time to sit quietly, closing your eyes and relaxing, focus on releasing your addiction. Calling his name three times say: “Zadkiel, Zadkiel, Zadkiel … . I ask your help in releasing myself from any negative patterns which tie me to my addiction. I release my addiction to the powerful energy of the Violet Flame and I ask that all negative thoughts of myself and my addiction be melted away and transmuted into positive energy that will enable me to succeed. Thank you” Now sit and imagine a beautiful violet light surrounding you and clearing away all negativity associated with your addictive habits, leaving you strong and positive.

Angels and Money Worries:
Money is a symbol of abundance and prosperity in our lives. As contradictory as it might seem it is only once we adopt an attitude of plenty that we are able to let go of the fear of having too little in our life. Interestingly, because money is linked with the sacral chakra (pelvic area where pleasure, deservability, well-being and abundance are anchored in the body) it is also related to feelings of pleasure (and sex). We often find that people who have money worries are less able to let go and enjoy other areas of their life too.

The energy we are working with here is that of motivation, joy and passion, and so we need to choose a bright orange candle, a piece of cornelian crystal (or tiger’s eye for abundance and prosperity) and call upon your own guardian angel and the angels of the Mother Earth for help with our abundance issues.
(This exercise can be very effective done outdoors, with your crystals in your hands or pocket and lighting the candle on your return.)

Be still and allow yourself to connect with the angelic realms surrounding you by calling upon your guardian angel to stand close, then ask that he/she helps you to do this exercise. In your mind and imagination call out to the Angels of our Mother Earth and thank them for the magnificent abundance of everything we need in nature. Imagine a feast before your eyes, on a table decorated with multi-coloured fresh flowers. Think of sharing all your favourite foods, laughing with your favourite people, hearing your favourite music, all encircled by benevolent loving angels. Thank the angels for all they provide for you, allowing yourself to feel wonderfully happy, deserving and fulfilled. Imagine dancing round the table dressed in flowing fabrics, with no inhibitions, no restrictions, feeling only total joy and pleasure. This is what the angels desire for you and support you in. Joy is a heavenly gift and all of us are worthy. Ask the angels to help you develop an attitude of being and having enough, knowing that you deserve the life you say you want. Thank them, and resolve to make this a regular practice.